Effective June 8th, Vermonters may travel outside of Vermont to counties across New England and New York that have a similar active COVID-19 caseload to Vermont and return without quarantining if they do so in a personal vehicle. Similarly, residents of other states who live in counties across New England and New York that have a similar active COVID-19 caseload to Vermont may enter the state for leisure travel without quarantining.
The State of Vermont has determined that any county with less than 400 active cases of COVID-19 per one million residents meets this criteria. The Agency will publish an updated map and list each Monday by 5 p.m. at identifying quarantine and non-quarantine counties throughout New England and New York. Vermonters must remember to follow any travel restrictions and quarantine requirements for the states they plan to visit.
Residents from a non-quarantine county may travel to Vermont without quarantine restrictions if they travel directly to Vermont in their personal vehicle. This includes overnight travel, commuting for work, leisure visits and recreation. Travelers must register with Sara Alert upon arrival to Vermont to get two weeks of daily reminders to check for common symptoms of COVID-19. Travelers must remember to follow any travel restrictions and quarantine requirements in their home upon return.
After July 1st, the State of Vermont plans to re-evaluate this criteria to determine if it should be expanded or restricted based on current data. The State hopes more counties will be added over time as their active case counts improve and that the criteria may be expanded beyond 400 cases per million after July 1st and as circumstances allow.
Travelers, including Vermonters, that visit or are from a quarantine county must still quarantine for 14-days upon entrance into Vermont or quarantine for at least seven days upon entrance into Vermont and receive a negative COVID-19 test.
Commuter (day trip) traffic to and from Vermont by those who travel daily between Vermont and adjacent states including quarantine-required counties in those adjacent states is authorized for essential travel (e.g. essential work, healthcare, groceries) and currently authorized daily work, family visitation, or recreation. Travel to and from Vermont from outside the daily commuting area AND by those who do not travel to and from adjacent states daily is currently restricted and subject to all other travel restrictions.
Those participating in essential work or currently authorized work that requires an overnight stay may utilize the state’s lodging, camping and short-term rental properties if the individual self-certifies upon arrival that they are authorized to work in Vermont, have not been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, and have not experienced COVID-19-like symptoms in the past 24 hours including a fever above 100.4°F, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, headache or new loss of taste or smell.
EFFECTIVE 6/15: Travelers may complete either: (i) a 14-day quarantine; or (ii) a 7-day quarantine followed by a negative test - in their home state and enter Vermont without further quarantine restrictions if they drive directly from their home via their personal vehicle.
Travelers may complete either: (i) a 14-day quarantine; or (ii) a 7-day quarantine followed by a negative test – in a Vermont lodging establishment regardless of destination origin or manner of travel (travelers must stay in their quarantine location for the duration of quarantine other than to travel to and from a test site).
For more information about how to quarantine, visit the Vermont Department of Health’s quarantine chart.
Special Note about Out-of-State Buyers/Renters:
Out-of-state visitors to Vermont must quarantine upon their arrival in accordance with the Vermont Department of Health quarantine rules. Realtors shall not make in-person showings of properties available to out-of-state visitors who have not completed these requirements.
However, if the out-of-state visitor has entered into a fully-signed and accepted Purchase and Sales Contract or Rental Lease Agreement for a specific property, an agent may accommodate a viewing of that property if the buyer/renter has not completed their quarantine under limited circumstances:
- The buyer/renter has entered into a legal Purchase and Sale Contract or Rental Lease Agreement for the specific address they plan to visit; AND
- The buyer/renter travels directly to and from the property and can do so without any NONESSENTIAL stops along the way; AND
- The buyer/renter travels via their own personal motor vehicle and is able to travel round trip to and from the Vermont property in the same day (no overnight stay in Vermont); AND
- The buyer/renter certifies they have not experienced symptoms associated with COVID-19 including and have not been in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days and has satisfactorily completed the required COVID-19 Real Estate Access Questionnaire.
With the exception noted above, real estate agents are therefore NOT allowed under any other circumstance to show property in-person to any person who has not been in the state of Vermont for at least the 14 days immediately preceding the appointment.
To monitor compliance with these restrictions and to prevent an unintentional exposure, a Real Estate Access Questionnaire will be required for all in-person meetings. This form must be completed by EVERY person accessing a property listed for sale with the Company or seen with an agent associated with the Company. See Appendix A.
If the current quarantine requirement is amended, this Plan shall be changed to reflect the new policy. Best Practices
- All activity must be in compliance with the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community
Development (ACCD) real estate sector guidance, and health and safety requirements established by the CDC, OSHA, and VOSHA.
- Agents are encouraged to utilize no-contact technology and services whenever possible. This can include lockboxes (with seller’s permission), video conferencing and the use of virtual/digital transaction software and services.
- Open houses and realtor caravans are not permitted.
- A sign shall be posted at the entrance of any house listed for sale stating that no one may enter if they are exhibiting any signs of a COVID-19 or respiratory infection to include coughing, fever, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, early symptoms such as chills, body aches, sore throat, headache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or a runny nose.
- Visitors to a property shall be limited to “principals” only. A principal is defined as a person whose name will be on the deed, contract and/or mortgage.
- As long as it is not against the law, in violation of State licensing requirements or the REALTOR Code of Ethics, or contrary to your contractual agreement(s), all employees and agents shall respect and adhere to the client’s wishes regarding safety, security, precautions, hygiene and sanitation practices.
- If a seller decides to prohibit in-person showings, obtain those instructions in writing and make sure that the MLS reflects the appropriate showing instructions.
- If a buyer or agent requests a video tour, obtain permission from the seller in writing.
- Buyers and their agents shall be instructed to provide their own and wear a facemask for all in- person contact. However, agents should be prepared to provide a facemask and/or sanitizer to buyers who are not able to comply.
- If a buyer is unable or not willing to wear a facemask, the agent may deny access to the property.
- A Real Estate Access Questionnaire shall be completed for ALL in-person contact.
- A Contact Tracing Log shall be assigned to each client (property or buyer) and maintained with the Agent and/or Company. Prior to or immediately after showing a property or meeting with a buyer, the agent must update the log with the date, name and contact information for everyone who has visited or accessed the property or they have met in-person.